Thursday, April 19, 2007

115 Digital Art Gallery

The 115 Digital Art Gallery is dedicated to the exhibition and promotion of digital fine art.

Digital art has become a very important part of contemporary art. New tools revolutionize the artists’ way of thinking and working. Images that could have never been created using traditional means are now possible through digital interfaces. Future artists will never have known a world without computer technology. For them, digital tools will be the instruments of their work. It is time for a cross-over in contemporary art and we want to be there and, along with the artists we want to lead the way for the art of the future.
via etcetera


eclecticCow said...

mergem luni.

Crissmo said...

vezi ca si tu bagi cu via nu stiu care.. chiar daca nu stiu care e via de la mine. Dar nimeni nu zice nimic. Si nimeni nu se ataca... and I was like, I don't give a fuck

Lowant said...

:))) yeah dog... i feel ya'.

Anonymous said...

Mah baieti eu zic sa nu va mai agitati atata. Etcetera a avut stirea in buzunar de 4 luni. ca a dat-o pe 19 cuma dat-o si gigi si chelu si cucu si limbrici este problema voastra.

Lowant said...

logic ca o avea in buzunar, aproape juma din lucrarile de acolo sunt ale lui:))))

Anonymous said...

stefane .. esti cel mai tare, vrem sa te atingem

Anonymous said...

nah.multam lowant am crezut ca nu bagi commentul.
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