Thursday, April 26, 2007

Luka Skalabrin

I find skalabrin art really loud and vibrant, too bad he's not encouraged enough, this is what he sais on his deviant space:
"i have realized that i really suck with manips and im not satisfied at all with stuff i made. im not showing any desireable progress and so far it has only been a waste of time and nerves. im going to fully concentrate on corporate design, the field where i have plenty of success and forget about this "excursion" in the field of photomanipulation. my website will remain active until domain and hosting expire.

thanx for the support

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How to buy digital paintings online, limited edition prints for sale ?

Welcome to Jerome Poitevin Digital Paintning web gallery

In my fine art web gallery you may find and buy artworks online, contemporary art and digital paintings, signed limited edition art prints for your home and office, posters, original postcards...